View the entire program below or you can also download it by clicking here to download the Commencement Program.
The University
The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (UMHB) was chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas as the Female Division of Baylor University. In 1866, it became Baylor Female College, operating under its own charter and board. The school moved in 1886 from Independence to Belton. In 1925, the name was changed to Baylor College for Women and, in 1934, to Mary Hardin-Baylor College in honor of a benefactor.
Once the oldest school for women west of the Mississippi River, Mary Hardin-Baylor College began offering degrees to men in 1968 and, in 1971, became fully coeducational. In 1978, Mary Hardin-Baylor College became the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.
The university, with a current student population of almost four thousand, offers eleven bachelor’s degrees with fifty majors, ten master’s degrees with sixteen majors, and three doctorate degrees with five majors.
Historically, the use of a mace dates back to the Middle Ages. The mace was carried before or placed near a dignitary as a sign of protection. It came to symbolize strength and authority. Over the centuries, the mace was incorporated into processions as a symbolic item. Gradually, universities adopted the use of the mace to show the authority of the university invested in the president by the board of trustees. Today, the university’s mace is carried by the marshal before the president and other dignitaries of the platform party during commencement processions.
Academic Robes and Regalia
The pageantry and color of an academic convocation, such as today’s commencement, come to us from medieval times when academic robes and regalia were adapted from ecclesiastical garb.
Most robes are black to symbolize the democracy of scholarship since they cover any dress or rank of social standing worn beneath. Bachelor gowns are cut with long pointed sleeves, master’s gowns feature closed slit sleeves, and doctoral gowns are full-cut with double-belled sleeves and bars of velvet trim. Some universities have authorized doctoral gowns in a single color representative of the institutions.
The hood, originally a simple cowl attached to the gown, bears the heaviest symbolism of the academic costume. Its lining displays the colors of the university that granted the degree, and the bordering color indicates the field of learning (or faculty) in which the degree was earned.
The square cap, or mortarboard, originated in the 13th century at the University of Paris and came to England in Tudor times. Earlier caps were round and reserved for doctoral degree holders. This velvet cap is still worn by doctors. Doctoral tassels are usually gold, while other degrees are represented by black.
Some of the colors you may see in today’s processional are:
- Arts, Letters, Humanities-White
- Economics-Copper
- Music-Pink
- Social Science-Cream
- Business-Drab
- Education-Light Blue
- Nursing-Apricot
- Social Work-Citron
- Communication-Silver Gray
- Exercise & Sport Science-Sage Green
- Physical Therapy-Teal
- Theology-Scarlet
Friday, December 6, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
Selections by the UMHB Wind Ensemble
Mr. Michael Garasi, Associate Professor, Conductor
Welcome and Remarks
Dr. Randy O’Rear ’88, MBA ’97
Opening Prayer
Ms. Jennifer Manning
Chair, UMHB Board of Trustees
National Anthem: “The Star-Spangled Banner”
Francis Scott Key, arr. Darmon Meader
One Voice, directed by Dr. Michelle Roueche
Scripture Reading
Ms. Amanda Marie Stockton
Graduating Senior
Recognition of Honors
Dr. John Vassar
Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Presentation of Degree Candidates
Dr. Brian Brabham
Associate Dean, School of Exercise & Sport Science & Faculty Announcer
Conferring of Degrees
Dr. O’Rear
Welcome into the Alumni Association
UMHB Alumni Members
UMHB Alumni Association
(AUDIENCE: Please rise for and join in singing the alma mater.)
“UMHB Alma Mater”
Todd Blackhurst ’90, John Hollan ’89, Heath Peloquin ’96, and Kori Whatley ’94
Led by One Voice
(AUDIENCE: Please be seated for the benediction.)
Chaplain (MAJ) Jason B. Palmer, USA (Ret.)
Dean of Spiritual Life & University Chaplain, Father of Mr. Joshua Palmer, Graduating Senior
Postlude:“Up With the Purple”
Rountree ’24
Marshal: Ms. Kelda McMullen-Fix
Assistant Marshals:Dr. Rachel Carroll Craig, Ms. Effel Harper, Dr. Meri Hughes, Dr. Christine Nix,
Dr. Ben Phillips, Ms. Brittany Rodriguez, Dr. Rubi Ugofky-Mendez, and Dr. KerryAnn Zamore-Byrd
Videographer: Mr. David Twilleager
One Voice: Andrew Ash, Adam Funderburg, Joshua McMiller, Olyvia Owen, Skyler Pettway,
Lizzi Rose, Abigail Russell, Benjamin Smyser, Abigail Stovall, Hannah Weems, and Trenton West
August 1, 2024
August 1, 2024
Candidates for Undergraduate Degree
December 6, 2024
Candidates for Graduate Degree
December 6, 2024
Academic Honor Societies
- Academic Honors: Gold Sash
- Alpha Chi Honor Society: Gold Medallion
- Alpha Mu Alpha American Marketing Association Honor Society: Navy Cords
- Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society, Xi Omicron Chapter: Royal Blue and College Gold Cords
- Alpha Psi Omega Performance Honor Society: Blue and Gold Cords
- Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society: Red and Green Cords
- Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International: White Stole with Blue Letter X∑I
- Eta Beta Rho National Hebrew Honor Society
- Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society: Gold and Black Cords
- Iota Tau Alpha Athletic Training Education Honor Society, Omicron Chapter: Blue, Red and Gold Cords
- Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education, Alpha Eta Gamma Chapter: Purple and Green Cords
- Kappa Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society: Gold Shield with Pink and Silver
- Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Society: Gold and Blue Cords
- Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society: Red and Blue Cords
- Pi Gamma Mu Social Science Honor Society: Blue and White Cords
- Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society
- Sigma Delta Pi Spanish and Advanced Literature Honor Society: Red and Spanish Gold Stole
- Sigma Iota Epsilon Professional Management Honor Society: Gold Stole with Burgundy Letter SIE
- Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society: Cardinal and Black Cords and/or Cardinal Ribbon with Medallion
- Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, Tau Epsilon Chapter: White and Purple Cords
Up with the Purple
Up with the Purple, the Gold and the White High o’er the college tower
Forth from her portals we step in her might, Men and women great in power.
Yes, we come from old Baylor,
Her loyal sons and her daughters true, And proudly each one hails the memory Of Baylor College, for we love you.
All hail to thee, old Baylor,
Proud daughter of the South
With heart and voice we praise thee As we go marching forth.
Up with the Purple, the Gold and the White High o’er the college tower
Forth from her portals we step in her might, Men and women great in power,
Yes, we come from old Baylor,
Her loyal sons and her daughters true, And proudly each one hails the memory Of Baylor College, for we love you.
UMHB Alma Mater
Dear Mary Hardin-Baylor
who stands ever proud and strong. With courage, boldness and loyalty, our Crusader leads us on.
We will keep you high in honor forever through our days.
With endless time and wonder, our love will never fade.
Ever thankful for our past,
into the future we will go.
With faithfulness and devotion to you. Our Purple, White, and Gold.
Give me teaching so that I may do your pleasure; for you are my God: let your good spirit be my guide into the land of righteousness.

Psalm 143:10 (BBE)
Note: This program is not an official University document. The exclusion of the names of students is not to be taken as indicative of their official status as non-graduates, nor is the inclusion of the names of students to be taken as certification of their official status as graduates.