Academic Programs
Our Mass Communication degrees are complemented by lab work on The Bells, the UMHB student newspaper, and reporting on-campus events. We also offer internships at a variety of local newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations and public relations firms.
The Speech Communication degree is aimed at those interested in graduate study in communications as well as those preparing to teach speech in a secondary school environment. We have a growing and successful inter-collegiate forensics and speech competition team, Speech Cru, who travel around the country competing in individual speech events.
The Film Studies degree prepares students to work on both sides of the camera in the rapidly growing film and television industry. CRUFilms, our student film group, writes, directs and produces several short films each year.

The Department of Communication and Media Studies pairs all incoming majors with a faculty advisor who is also program director. Advisors work diligently with students to determine the best courses to fulfill each student’s individualized degree plan.
Learn MoreContact Information
Dr. Joey Tabarlet • Department Chair • (254) 295-4571
900 College Street, Box 8012A • Belton, TX 76513
Page last updated September 27, 2018